Wednesday 29 April 2020

Kissed by the Baddest Bidder: Soryu Oh S2 Living Together

Story Basis:
The Tres Spade Hotel has expanded to Dubai, you're initially there for a training seminar when you learn you'll be officially working there instead. You then start your new life in a foreign country living with Soryu at the Ice Dragon's headquarters. 

You're life quickly hit a sandstorm after a misunderstanding with the local mob, causing the head of the Ice Dragons to make his appearance. You're worried about Soryu and want to help him in any way you can but Soryu draws a firm line, keeping you out of Dragon's business for your own safety. 

You finally understand the laws of the mafia world and struggle to fit in. Worlds apart, your days pass by in loneliness without his understanding to your feelings.

How do you get Soryu to understand your feelings?

His Personality:
Soryu is still the same adorable, awkward guy he is when in love with you. He showers you with love and sweet, kind words that melts your heart. He's still expressive of his love and need for you and blushes easily whenever you say something sweet to him 😊.

You recognize there is two sides of Soryu, the side where he's strict and cold towards his followers 😠 (especially Inui) and the side where he's incredibly sweet with you 😘.

Because of his line of work, he's not always available to be attentive to your feelings but he is conscious whenever you have something troubling you. He doesn't beat around the bush and get you to talk to him when you're struggling to get things off your chest.

While Soryu is open to you about the Ice Dragons, he still doesn't let you get too involved with their business and he makes it clear from the get go. He doesn't mean anything by it because he wants to protect you by separating you from his world. He doesn't want you involved because the head of Ice Dragons, Ryuun, is ruthless and cruel 😈 towards his followers.

He struggles with protecting you and the Ice Dragons from Ryuun without disobeying the Bos because of the mafia code 😣. No matter how much he hates the way Ryuun does things, he can't disobey him because loyalty is very important in the mafia world. 

*** Be warned for any spoilers ***

Overall Opinion:
This season is not only a further development in Soryu's relationship with the MC but a step forward in Soryu's career. The plotting had a really nice flow focusing on Soryu's struggle with following orders that goes against his values and the MC's struggle to fit in with the Ice Dragons and desire to help him.

I really liked how open Soryu is about his affections for the MC 😍. I squeal every time he's honest about his desires to be with her πŸ˜‹. He's not one to mix business with pleasure so he's only sweet and passionate when they are alone.

~ How can you not fall in love with him 😍. 

I had the same reaction the MC had believing she'll be living with Soryu alone (just like in the other guys route) but we were horribly wrong πŸ˜‚. She finds out they won't be living together alone but with the rest of the Ice Dragon members. So you can guess they couldn't have as much privacy then the other guy's route πŸ˜….

Right off the bat, you see the MC having trouble fitting in with the Ice Dragon, initially saying things like "because I'm not one of them". She envies Soryu's relationship with the Ice Dragons and still struggles with feeling the need to be useful to him. ~ And it doesn't help when he tells her not to get involved 😞. 

The MC struggles with communicating her feelings to him because she's doesn't feel like it's her place to speak because she thinks she's not a part of them. It wasn't until she got a friendly advice from someone (the head boss of the local mob) to just speak what's on her mind. With that advice and a push from Soryu, she finally tells him what's bothering her.

I love how Soryu makes the MC feel loved and needed by telling her that she IS a part of the Ice Dragons. She just didn't realize it. Of course, it's not in the normal conventional way of the mafia world but he tells her she's very much a part of them.

Soryu tells her there are only some things she can do like being sweet 😊 on the Ice Dragons while he's strict 😠 on them. I love the dynamic the writers are throwing here where Soryu is like the father of the Ice Dragons and the MC is the mother, and Samejima and Inui are their children πŸ‘ͺ.

Baba explains the importance of loyalty in the mafia world is to obey all orders of the Boss without question. Or you'll most likely find yourself at the bottom of the ocean 🌊. Because she doesn't understand the ways of the mafia world, the MC struggled to follow Soryu's order to keep herself uninvolved. She sees that even though Soryu doesn't agree with the Ryuun's decisions, he can't go against him because of loyalty to the Boss. 

I love how much the MC grew in this story, she went from keeping to herself to speaking her mind. When Soryu is struggling with Ryuun, she opens his eyes to see what's really important than blindly stay loyal to a Boss who doesn't care about his subordinates 😀. As seen in the previous season, Soryu earns his member's loyalty through trust and because he actually treats them as family.

I really enjoyed his story because we got to see the development of their relationship and Soryu stepping up from his position in the Ice Dragon. What else I love here is how Soryu values the MC's opinion and treats her with equality. Something you rarely see in the other guys route. 

Another thing I love is the way the MC works her charm on others even if she doesn't know she's using them 😝. Her charm and determination is what makes all the Ice Dragons warm up to her 😊.

Even the auction managers see that πŸ˜‚.

I loved how the story wrapped up with Soryu getting the position he deserved and earned through trust. I'm happy for him πŸ˜„ because he's half-way through his accomplishing his dream with the help from the MC. While the ending wrapped up nicely, I did wanted to see the members from the Hong Kong branch accepting her and see Soryu become the new Boss then and there rather then Soryu relying what happened to her because it would have more impact if she was there to see his success. Other than that I really enjoyed his story.

If you enjoyed Soryu's first season and want to see more of Soryu the Sweet Boyfriend, then I totally recommend this one for you. You are going to love how sweet and passionate he is as he showers you with love. Happy playing!

Overall score: 8/10

You are welcome to read my reviews of his overall personality and character development from my general opinion post (not available yet). I will also post reviews on his other stories. 

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Kissed by the Baddest Bidder: Ota Kisaki Sequel Review

KBTBB Ota Kisaki S1 sequel

Story Basis:
Your relationship with Ota is going steady and your life couldn't be any sweeter now that you know he's serious about you. Still the same devilish and mischievous angel, you worry his continual involvement with the auctions could ruin his career.  

After talking to him about your worries, Ota agrees to step down as an auction manager to put your mind at ease. But after reviewing the list of items for the coming up, Ota goes back on his promise to you. 

What is on that auction list that made Ota changed his mind? 

His Personality:
Ota's certainly more nice and sweet towards you, and he doesn't call you 'Koro' as often anymore. He treats you as his girlfriend instead of his pet 🐢 which shows that - not only did he move on from the definite line of 'master-pet' relationship - he's accepted you as someone he  as a person who will never betray him.

He's more passionate about his art now and starts to hold value to his art pieces (i.e. the art piece he made for you). He takes you out on dates ('walks') and invite you to come to work with him and his studio simply because he wants to spend time with you.

Slowly, he can't seem to resist your charms and he blushes quite easily 😳 when you compliment him. He's a bit more open to you now and easily talk to you about his childhood memories.

He's cheeky and can't resist pulling pranks on you because you're so gullible. Evidently in his childhood, he has always been a trickster 😜 pulling the biggest prank in elementary which - incidentally - became his one of his masterpieces.

Ota is still sensitive about his past with his mentor and the plagiarism issue. He will completely shut down talks about it whenever someone brings it up. He won't talk about his mentor to anyone but he doesn't mind talking about to you - which shows you're the only person he's comfortable around.

Despite feeling he can trust you, Ota still fears betrayal and he has nightmares of you betraying and leaving him just like his mentor did in the past.

While he does talk to you about some things, he still puts you at a distance most like because he believes you could betray him like his mentor.

*** Be warned for any spoilers ***

Overall Opinion:
While there isn't much of a plot development in his sequel, Ota's character certainly has improved for the better since his main story. The whole purpose of his sequel is focused on his character development, and facing and moving on from his past with his mentor.

I really enjoyed his sequel because we got to see a much sweeter side to Ota 😊 especially when he's with the MC. You can tell he genuinely loves and cares for her from the way he treats her. Most evidently when he shifted their relationship from master-pet 🐢to boyfriend-girlfriend πŸ‘«.

He's still playing on the whole 'pet' concept but he doesn't call her 'Koro' as often as he did in his main story. The MC's not bothered by it either because she knows how serious he is about her.

Ota's found inspiration in the MC and has become more passionate about his art. He usually gets rid of his art pieces because he doesn't have any attachments to them and sells them through the auctions or other ways. He kept the art piece he made for the MC from the main story because it marks the beginning of their relationship.

I found it really sweet how he considered the MC's feelings about him being a part of the auctions and decided to quit for her πŸ‘. She has bad memories about the auctions ~ I mean literally anyone would have bad memories of being sold in an auction ~ but is mostly worried his career would be ruined if he gets caught.

As impressed as you are that Ota easily agreed to quit for you πŸ‘, he's also quick to disappoint you when he goes back on his word 😞. The writers really touched on the fact Ota never really had a purpose for joining the auctions and now he does.

The MC figures Ota's reason for being a part of this particular auction has something to do with his mentor. She doesn't accept it when he avoids it entirely and tell her it's not her concern. When push comes to shove, she takes it into her own hands to help him face his past ~ and it doesn't fail to get her into trouble 😩. Why am I not surprised? 

For a while, Ota kept her at a distance because he still has that distrust and fear of betrayal. The fact he still has trust issues is rooted in his inability to face his past.

I loved how the writers approach the whole 'facing your past' concept. Because no matter how many times you convince yourself you've moved on from it, deep down you're still bothered by it. The MC is one of those factors who help you face your past. Some things are best left alone but it's better to face your past before you end up regretting it.

The MC really understand Ota as a person just by observing the way he talks about his mentor. She knows he has some unfinished business to clean up and pushes him to get the closure he needs. This really brought the two of them closer as a couple and Ota was able to grow as a character because of the MC.

It's always good to respect your significant other's boundaries but it really sets up a wall between you. So I'm glad they were able to break it.

If you enjoyed his main story then you'll most definitely enjoy his sequel. If you're still not sure just from reading his main story then I still suggest giving his sequel a try because you start to see how much he grows in this one. The whole master-pet thing is not as heavy as it was in the main story but more playful.

Happy playing!

Overall score: 8/10

You are welcome to read my review on his overall personality and character development  from my general opinion post (which I will post at a later date). I will also post reviews on his other stories soon. Stay tuned for updates. 

Monday 9 March 2020

Kissed by the Baddest Bidder: Ota Kisaki Main Story Review

Story Basis:
After being bought from the auctions, you are to choose between five of the auction managers. You choose the 'Angelic Artist' Ota but you're surprised when he shows you a different side of himself he doesn't show to the public. He is anything but 'angelic'.

You enter a whole new world of crazy when he starts treating you like a pet 🐢?! He demands you follow his number one rule: "Obey your master, no matter what". You try to wrap your head around the secret auctions being held at the hotel but you're forbidden from telling another soul.

As time passes, you learn there's more to the devil Ota is and the mask he wears in front of the eyes of the public. His first original art project in four years is being dragged through the mud with numerous scandals.

His Personality:
Known as the 'Angelic Artist' in the eyes of the public, Ota presents himself with his signature 'angelic' smile, polite and well-mannered πŸ˜‡. However, he's quick to make salty insults the minute he turns his back on them 😈. He only shows his true self to you and the auction managers.

He has no regards to your feelings in the way he treats you as his 'pet' and demands you follow his No.1 rule. He gives you a pet name 'Koro' and treats you like a dog πŸΆbecause he claims you remind him of his dog (probably passed away).

Evidently, he is not a morning person and gets grumpy 😠 when woken up. Most likely because he stays up late working on art projects so he sleeps in late 😴.

He has an easygoing personality and doesn't take most things seriously unless it affects him. For example; he didn't care how it would affect you to have your coworkers misunderstand your 'close' relationship with Ota 😟. In his POV, he had little reaction after hearing you're being harassed by your coworkers from Eisuke because he doesn't think it affects him 😑.

At first, instead of feeling sorry for how he's complicated your work life, he found it amusing to tease you for it. You finally snapped and cried, and he starts to feel bad for what he's done and fixes it in front of your coworkers.

He hides behind a plastered smile to hide what he truly feels even when he's been betrayed or screwed over. You recognize that he's really frustrated and upset. Times like these is when he's really vulnerable.

At first, he maintains that easygoing attitude towards everything, including his art. Later when found inspiration (from you), he becomes passionate about his work and holes himself up in his studio until he completes his project.

*** Be warned for any spoilers ***

Overall Opinion:
Let's be honest here... I don't think anyone was very fond of the whole 'master-pet' scenario. Because I wasn't 😀. I really bothered me the entire story to the point where it just got annoying and may or may not have hurt my feelings.

Not only was Ota treating the MC like a pet but the auction managers were treating her like one as well with all the sarcastic comments about her not understanding what they're saying 😠. I was at my wits end when the MC slowly got use to being his pet and eventually accepting she's his pet.

Like girl, have you no dignity? 😩

His sadistic personality aside, I thought the plot was well written around the whole scandal thing. It just shows that even if you're the 'Angelic Artist', you're always going to be involved an any sort of scandal. No one is immune to that.

It took me a while to get pass his whole pet fetish until they dropped the story about his past. They don't make it obvious so you have to connect the dots yourself why he's into the whole 'master-pet' situation.

As the youngest of the bunch, Ota gets along really well with Baba and would get him to look after you (only because he doesn't trust you enough to let you go back to your apartment) when he's busy working in his studio.

In his POV, he states that the MC and the auctions have no affect on him - evident when he couldn't careless about the MC being harassed at work. And unlike the other auctions managers, Ota really has no reason to be a part of the auctions because he doesn't have any purpose like the others do.

While he comes off as someone who doesn't care about things that don't affect him, he doesn't seem like he's the type to make mistakes either since he always on his guard. It really surprised me to see him make a rookie mistake and telling a rival about his idea for his art project.

It ended up costing him making his comeback to the art industry when the artist released her artwork to the public first before he could. The media caught wind of his 'plagiarism' 😨 and painted him in the worst light bringing up his previous scandal πŸ™ˆ.

Baba explains this is Ota's his first original piece in four years since his last scandal, and it was a time before any of the auction managers met him. So not even they know much about his past because Ota is a private person.

It turns out Ota had been betrayed before by someone he greatly admired as an artist. The person never taught him anything about art but is an artist himself so he respected him for that. He got his first break when he was 14 πŸ† and he had already been in the industry for years before he got into his first scandal πŸ“· at age 20.

Not to spoil too much but the artist he admired so much betrayed him and made him look like an attention seeker. Ota lost his passion for art and couldn't create an original piece for four years until he met the MC.

Suggesting from then on, Ota lost faith and trust in humanity when the public turned on him. So it explains why he doesn't trust people that easily that's why he treated the MC as a pet. Because it goes the saying; "a dog is a man's best friend" 🐢. They never betray you and they're always loyal.

Baba also explains how Ota didn't trust him either at first, only letting his true self come to light when participated in the auctions. However, he hinted that Ota had been himself towards you right from the beginning.

Ota uses his 'Angelic Artist' persona towards the guests and his clients as a defense mechanism to protect himself from trusting people and avoid getting hurt. He only shows his true self in front of the auction managers and the MC which shows he trusts them to a certain degree - (because in Eisuke's route, he explains they don't get involved in each other's work so trust is only at a certain degree)

As the story progresses, the MC gets used to being his pet and 'misses' him when he's not around. She gets angry on his behalf when his ideas got stolen 😑 and frustrated when he's acting as though it doesn't bother him - when really he's just hiding it 😩.

When the scandal takes a hit on him, he hides away in his studio (so he can be alone) and ends up thinking about the MC unconsciously. He called her in the middle of the night to 'hear her voice' - is how I see it - and she tells him how lonely she is without him.

He surprisingly lets himself be vulnerable in front of the MC and relies on her for comfort and ever since their one-night stand 😳, Ota's gotten soft and against the MC and even sees her as 'feminine'. He basically he gets attracted to her and often seen blushing when she compliments him.

Neither of them spoke about it after that and pretend it doesn't bother them to avoid the awkwardness. The MC is clearly bothered by it but Ota seemed as though it meant nothing to him. In his POV, however, Ota was actually bothered by it as much as she was. He starts to see her in a different way and wonders what would happen if she stopped being 'Koro'.

He questions whether or not if she'd still be with him if she's not his pet anymore but doesn't trust her enough to let her go. It just shows he has trust issues and not ready to enter a romantic relationship with her.

Since their one-night stand, Ota starts calling the MC by her name (sometimes) and he takes her out on a 'date' just to be nice to her. Initially objecting to go to a karaoke bar πŸ™…, he eventually gave in to the MC and went with her even though he hated it. It turns out it didn't want her to find out he's tone deaf! πŸ˜‚

The MC in his route is pretty gullible, quick to jump to conclusions and makes rash decisions without a proper plan. In the end, it just makes her seem foolish 😩 but had good intentions when she tried to confront that snobby journalist to retract his article about Ota.

The MC wasn't at all that useless to the Ota because she ended up become his inspiration for his project. It was then he realized he fell in love with her and was able to complete his artwork. He still treats her like a pet in the end but more playful than before.

Even though Ota recognizes his feelings for the MC,  he doesn't come out and say it. In the epilogue, he still didn't change their relationship from 'master-pet' to 'boyfriend-girlfriend' and it really bothered her to still be in a 'pet' position.

Thanks to the help (more like meddling πŸ˜‚) from the auction managers, Ota was able to tell the MC how he really truly feels about her and 'upgrade' their relationship to boyfriend and girlfriend.

Ota is also another controversial character like Eisuke because of the whole 'master-pet' scenario. If he didn't have his 'pet fetish' I think a lot of people would have enjoyed his route. I wasn't at all a fan of the 'master-pet' thing but I did enjoy the plot and his character change half-way through the story.

There's only a 50/50 chance for his relationship with the MC to get better from here on. With his jokester personality it doesn't seem like they're 'master-pet' relationship will change, but the way he suddenly gets soft and weak against the MC - it suggests a maybe on his further character development.

TBH, I've read all of his stories and I can say for certain his character does get better. How better really depends on how you see it.

If you played the first episode of his main story and didn't like it then I wouldn't recommend this is the guy for you. To other people who are still interested, then I would give his route a try. Happy playing!

Overall score: 6/10

You are welcome to read my review on his overall personality and character development from my general opinion post (which I will post at a later date). I will also post reviews on his other stories soon. Stay tuned for updates.

Saturday 7 March 2020

Kissed by the Baddest Bidder: Soryu Oh Sequel Review

Image result for kbtbb soryu sequel

Story Basis:
It's been a month since you began dating the Hong Kong mobster. Not once are you able to enjoy a peaceful date together without Inui tagging along or interruptions of rival mobsters. Despite the disruptions, you're enjoying your relationship with Soryu.

Soryu has become a target of random attacks and he suspects it's someone close to him. You worried about him but he says he'll protect you as long as you're with him. Just when you're thinking how useless you are standing next to him, he suddenly breaks up with you?!

Heartbroken, you try to get over him but you can't - not when he's being so nice to you. It's not fair!

Will you two ever get back together?

His Personality:
In a span on one month, Soryu's personality - or at least the way he treats you - has definitely mellowed out πŸ˜‰. For one thing; he expresses himself a bit more around you and he's can be very surprising intimate with you when you're alone 😊.

He's surprisingly sweet and gentle towards and really treats you like his girlfriend. He says the darnedest things every that makes you squeal most of the timeπŸ˜†.

Soryu is also weird 😲 ~ but in a cute way 😍 because of the way he thinks is just so bizarre 😡. You go on a date to the zoo and the first place he wanted to go to is the tiger enclosure. You think he likes tigers but it turns out he was having a staring competition with them! πŸ˜‚

Hinted from Eisuke's route, it has always been a none fact that animals loves Soryu and he's not at all that fond of them. It's sweet how he was uncomfortable holding a rabbit because he was scared he could hurt them.

Initially, Soryu wasn't open to telling you about his work because he didn't want to worry you (which caused for the opposite). Only did you tell him you were his 'girlfriend' did he start to let you in a bit more into his world.

He lets you tag along with his work so you can be familiar with how he works and with the Ice Dragons. You quickly warm up to most of the members, especially with Inui because he's the most easygoing one and very friendly.

*** Be warned for any spoilers ***

Overall Opinion:
The plotting was little slow because it was more focused on their relationship and how the MC feels 'useless' 😞 standing next to Soryu. The whole plot where Soryu being targeted, protecting her and then breaking up with her centers around how incapable she is helping him.

I really like how much their relationship changed from the main story to the sequel. In the main story, they were no more than a woman used as a decoy by the woman-hating mobster. Now, they are in a romantic relationship πŸ‘«πŸ’ who can't stop thinking about each other.

The level of danger in a mobster's line of work is unpredictable πŸ’£πŸ˜±. So it's usually understandable if they don't want to tell their significant other anything to avoid implicating them. The MC, however, values their relationship and (understandably) worries about him because of his line of work.

I really like how the MC didn't immediately shut down when he said her knowing won't stop it from happening. She insisted that being his girlfriend, she has the right to know what's going on - because they're constantly getting interruptions on their date 😩.

Soryu is more open about letting the MC involved in his life such as letting her get familiar with his work and his organization. His family background has been a bit of a mystery since the main story (we only know his paternal grandfather was the former Boss of the Ice Dragons before he stepped down) and it seems like a sensitive topic for him.

Though reluctant at first, Soryu does open up about his parents. He practically grew up without them and was raised by his grandfather. For some unknown reason, his father broken away from the Ice Dragons and disappeared. His mother went back to Japan because she couldn't stand the bullying from his father's mistresses πŸ˜₯. But yes, Soryu is Chinese-Japanese ✌.

While Soryu is doing an awesome job protecting his girlfriend, the entirety of the story is focused on how the MC feels 'useless' and how she's incapable of helping him πŸ˜”. She feels this way because he's constantly getting injured protecting her.

It was pretty clearly he didn't have the heart to break up with her because he couldn't look her in the eyes when he did πŸ’”. He was pretty cold and harsh when he broke up with her and used her insecurities against her to make it easier (but cruel 😒) to break up with her.

Because he's being targeted, he totally went with the 'I broke up with you to protect you' move 😣😀. It's such a typical guy move in the Voltage Inc universe. Sometimes, the MC does it too, especially in Eisuke's route. She's really passive and tends to run away because she's only thinking on the surface of how much of a burden she is and not actually think about how he feels.

Thankfully, she's not like that in Soryu's route. Accepting and heartbroken at first, the MC knows herself that she's only getting in the way of his work. Their interactions were a little awkward as expected, but thanks to Mei Ling for giving her the push she needed, she's able to tell Soryu she still loves him.

Has she never said she trusts him or wait for him to come out of jail, he probably wouldn't think about getting back together with her. But when she did, it gave him the courage to ask her out again - even though he used her as bait to lure out the traitor. I think that was pretty mean πŸ˜’.

It was hardly shown in his main story but Soryu is actually really kind, just doesn't show it that often or he purposely makes himself seem cold-hearted. It would actually spoil the ending so I won't spoil it but he's really not coldblooded. 

If you enjoyed his main story and want to see Soryu's unexpected romantic side then you'll definitely enjoy his sequel. He's so cute and sweet, you'll definitely fall in love with him if you hadn't already. 

Happy playing!

Overall score: 7/10

You are welcome to read my review on his overall personality and his character development from my general opinion post (which I will post at a later date). Stay tuned for more updates. 

Friday 6 March 2020

Kissed by the Baddest Bidder: Soryu Oh Main Story Review

Story Basis:
After being bought from the auctions, you are to choose between five of the auction sponsors. You choose Soryu Oh, the Hong Kong mobster, thinking he'll let you go because he did it before. However, he threatens to kill you, your friends and your family if you let it slip about the black market auctions.

Intimidated, you dare not to go against him and you're forced to live with him so he can keep an eye on you. To pay off your $20 million debt, Soryu has you become the decoy of Mei Ling - the daughter of a Hong Kong Bell Crickets Boss.

Just when you think things can't get any worse, you're thrown in the chaotic life of a mobster. You take Mei Ling's place and attend marriage interviews for her and also act as a decoy lure mobsters from a different faction who are after her (Mei Ling).

Soryu promises to free you if you succeed in your job as Mei Ling's decoy and you reluctantly agree. As the days go on with you pretending to be Mei Ling, you and Soryu grow closer and you start to see Soryu is more than just a scary face mobster... underneath he's just as soft as anybody.

You start to wonder whether he's protecting you out of obligation or if he really does have feelings for you.

His Personality:
Out of all the auction managers, Soryu's the most serious one who does most of the work putting the auctions together. As a mobster, he is feared by a lot of people because of how he looks and presents himself as a cold and scary person. ~ The slick back hair and sharp look doesn't help make him appear friendly. 

He thinks of you more of a burden than a 'toy' (Ota and the others call you that) because he hates women 😨 so he has no interest in you whatsoever. He claims he hates women because he can't stand the heavy smell of their perfume so he avoids them at all cost.

A running gag with Soryu and the auction managers, particularly Baba and Ota, is whenever they irritate him too much, he would pull out his gun and threatens to shoot them πŸ˜…. Other times, Baba and Ota would often tease him about being a "closet pervert" πŸ˜‚. ~ Which by the way, he isn't.

Just like Eisuke, Soryu is very calculating and ambitious with Ice Dragon's best interest at heart. He hopes to become the next Head Boss of the Ice Dragons to restore his grandfather's philosophy that has been disregarded by the current head. He's well respected by his followers and they are devoted to him, especially Inui.

At first, Soryu couldn't care less about your life often threatening to dispose you if you didn't do your job as Mei Ling's substitute properly. He only protected you out of obligation to find out which mafia faction is attacking Mei Ling. He calls you 'woman' instead of acknowledging you by your name 😩.

When he realises his feelings for you, he starts calling you by your name and doesn't mind it when you wear perfume. (Mei Ling sprayed some perfume on you and it wasn't the heavy kind he hates).  He starts to smile a lot more around you and cares about protecting you.

He becomes very fond of you but constantly hides his feelings for you because he must put the Ice Dragon before him.

*** Be warned for any spoilers ***

Overall Opinion:
I really enjoyed Soryu's route. The plotting was well developed with a little bit of action here and there. The flow of their relationship change seemed very fitting for an ordinary woman and a mobster πŸ‘. There obviously wasn't much romance in this story because neither admitted to their feelings for each other until the end. But there's definitely a spark between the two - a really soft spark if I must say.

Soryu seems like a quiet guy so I didn't expect much comedy from his route ~ boy was I wrong πŸ˜‚. There's a fair amount of comedy written in his story provided by Baba and Ota. Most of the time he shows little to no expression so it was quite funny how he kept pulling out his gun and threatens to shot whenever the guys irritate him πŸ˜‚.

I found it endearing that even though Soryu is a mobster and doesn't get along with Kishi, he's very much a fan of detective novels. It's hinted that if he didn't become a mobster he would have become a detective like Kishi.

I think the reason Soryu doesn't along with Kishi because the man is so laid-back and too lazy to do anything (but will help out a friend when it counts). His laziness and lack of passion for his job probably ruined Soryu's admiration towards detectives portrayed in the novels.

Even though he's cold towards the MC and thinks she's nothing but trouble for him because he hates women, he treats her differently than the guys I've played. Not to compare them or anything but -  Eisuke treats her like a maid and Ota treats her like a dog 😑. Soryu, however, doesn't treat her anything less than a decoy... who he supposedly couldn't care less if she dies on the job 😬.

What I mean to say is that even though Soryu doesn't like women in general, he doesn't disrespect them. He's cold towards them or avoids them because it's easier than to deal with them ~ personally, I just think he doesn't know how to be around women. 

While Ota and the guys call the MC a 'toy' (sounds naughty 😳), Soryu thinks she's more of a 'burden' and he'd rather deal with dead bodies than have women pushed onto him.  In a way, he kind of have respect to women... just don't treat them as gently as a gentleman would.

Pfft, what am I saying? He's a mobster!

While he doesn't treat the MC all that great in the beginning, only treating her as a disposal decoy, he does protect her to some extent. She claimed he would only protect her out of obligation and he most likely was because he needed her to lure the faction out trying to kill ML.

He can be harsh and a little intense waving his gun around, often scolding her when she makes a mistake. She was too nervous sitting in front of a mobster at a marriage interview and kept making mistakes. To help her get over her fear messing up at the marriage interviews, he 'pointed' guy at her stomach πŸ˜¬πŸ™Š.

Why would he do that you say? It's kind of hard to explain so just read the GIF below. 

Oh, and don't worry, he didn't really point a gun at her. He only pressed the handgrip to her stomach, not the actual muzzle. Even though he's a badass mobster, he still has integrity and would never point a gun as "a little girl" is what he said.

Extreme? Yes, but it did help the MC get over her fear of mobsters and she stops being afraid of him.

When one of the candidates fell in love with her at first sight and tried to follow her home, he took her back to his condo to throw the guy off, even though he thought it was annoying. He let her use his bed while he slept on the floor and promised not to do anything to her.

As time went on, the MC's opinions of mobsters change after seeing not all mobsters are bad (e.g. Inui) and she starts to warm up to Soryu thinking he's not at all scary. Especially when he's hair is down. 😊

Growing up as a mobster, Soryu is used to people being afraid of him so it doesn't care about what people think of him. I found it sad ~ but also understand ~ when he said it was easier to be hated and feared by others.

So he was a bit surprised when she got upset after some people said bad things about him. He thinks she's a 'strange' and 'confusing' woman because no's ever faced him head-on or even cared about what other's think of him.

When Soryu realised his feelings for the MC, he makes the effort to hide it but it's the subtle changes of his emotions that give it away. Baba hints that Soryu expresses himself a bit more around her otherwise he's expressionless towards the people he hates.

Thanks to his meddling, Eisuke helped proved Soryu's feelings for the MC when he arranged a marriage interview for her (out of amusement) just to see his reaction. And it was quite endearing! πŸ˜‚ Soryu was on edge the entire interview and kept insulting the candidate and wouldn't leave your side until it was over.

By the time the MC finished her job as Mei Ling's substitute, Soryu had completely forgotten about setting her free like he promised. It never came to him what happens after because he became used to having her around.

In his POV, he stated that he deliberately didn't think about letting her go even though he knew it had to end. He "purposely turned a blind eye to the future" because he started thinking about a future with her in it.

I found it cute how he starts to love the MC's cooking, especially her omelettes asking her to make it again for him. A subtle gesture saying she's welcome to his condo anytime.

The little sub-plot with Mei Ling and her father was little unexpected but it definitely gave the MC and Soryu the push they need to admit their feelings for each other.

The ending was a little clichΓ© but definitely enjoyable. The way he confessed his feelings for her just makes you squeal every time you read. I definitely recommend his route if you're into bad boys who's cute when they're awkward.

Happy playing!

Overall score: 8/10

You are welcome to read my review on his overall personality and his character development from my general opinion post (which I will post as a later date). I will also post over reviews from his route. Stay tuned for updates. 

Thursday 13 February 2020

Kissed by the Baddest Bidder: Eisuke Ichinomiya General Opinion

He's the CEO of the Ichinomiya Group and owner of the Tres Spade Hotel where you work. He's the leader of the Black Market Auctions and he bought you. 
He's arrogant and bossy. 
Your response should only be 'yes' or 'okay' and you must answer within 5 seconds. 

"You belong to me."

Eisuke is the first guy I played from KBTBB and (not going to lie) I picked him because he's hot with a killer look. And I love him! πŸ˜

He's a typical rich guy who does whatever he wants and expects people to just shut up and do what he says without question. His cold and arrogant demeanor can turn you off or just straight-up hate him. I'm don't mind his personality as much as his story arc progresses.

He's a very controversial character because he has an equal balance of people who just love him and people who hate him. Some people hate him because he's cold and bossy towards the MC and she's a pushover (to be honest). He's what you call a 'stuck-up king' πŸ˜† (the MC called him that in one of the special stories, not me).

Most people would have cut him loose just after reading his main story but I've stayed with him right from the beginning. (I'm currently waiting for Season 6 of his story to be released in the English version). The reason I'm sticking with him for this long despite people not a fan of him for his overbearing personality because ~ like every other character in the Voltage Inc. universe ~ while most of his personality doesn't change, his character does evolve into a better person. 

Some people may disagree with me on this because his bossy and cold demeanour doesn't change much since the first season. But he's definitely mellowed out and he starts to treat the MC better. Besides, if they suddenly change his personality into a whole different person then he's not Eisuke anymore πŸ˜. 

I've read all of his stories, including a few of his POVs, and I can say for sure that (while most of his 'negative' personality doesn't change much, just mellowed out) he's feelings for the MC becomes stronger each season.

*** Be warned for any spoilers ***

From the beginning of his route, he's portrayed as the arrogant, cold and bossy guy who values little of people's feelings. He doesn't like to explain or give a reason for his actions. His friends know him enough to say he "never does anything without a reason".

Evident in his main story, he can be a good guy but he just chooses to not show it and it caused the MC to misunderstand him. I gather he just doesn't want people to expect too much 'kindness' from him.

He doesn't have a split personality but rather 'a two faced mask' is more the correct term to describe him. In front of a business partner or guest, he present himself as a friendly businessman πŸ˜€ but in front of the auction managers and the MC, he reveals his true self πŸ˜’.

As his route progresses, he starts to value the MC's feelings and he really cherishes her ~ in his own stuck-up way 😝. He's the kind of guy who doesn't tell you what he feels unless he thinks it's necessary to. But he'll show you through his actions.

Yes, Eisuke stays arrogant the entire route only because he's confident in his abilities to solve everything. Who doesn't like a confident guy? πŸ˜‹ Some people might not like him but I do. Correction- I love him! πŸ’“ 

He usually carries himself confidently but he is prone to feel anxious and scared at times, especially when the MC is in danger.

Each season, they face a lot of challenges and dangerous situations that put her life at risk and you can see how desperate Eisuke tries to save her (and he always succeeds), and how far he's willing to go for her.

The MC in this game (or at least in his route) is by far ~ how do I put this? ~ probably the most gullible MC I've ever played 😣. The guys may belittle her at times and I hardly blame them, she's easily fooled and way too honest for her own good. Her responses and reactions to some things - at times - make you want to slap your forehead. Times where you think 'Are you stupid?' or 'Why state the obvious?'

People who hate Eisuke would ask 'why is she with someone like him?' and here I am thinking why is he with her? She's not the worst MC - just gullible. And I blame the writers for that.

I wouldn't say Eisuke and the MC are perfect individuals on their own. She's too gullible and he's ~ well, a complicated fellow 😩 ~ but I think they are perfect together and they complement each other well.

The MC supports him emotionally and accepts him for who he is. She also goes out of her way to try and understand him. Every other woman in his life before her only stayed with him for his looks and money. Never stuck around to get to know him like she does.

Eisuke, in turn, does everything he can to make her the happiest woman alive and protect her from the dangers around him. He's always thinking ahead of their relationship and tries to secure their future together.

Communication is one of the big problems I've noticed Eisuke fails to grasp in his route. The MC is usually the one to teach Eisuke about communicating their feelings to each other. And not all the time does he come out with his feelings.

Whenever something's troubling him and the MC senses it, he's go-to move is to have sex to distract her. And it always works! Like what the hell? πŸ˜– This is one of those moments you slap your forehead because she's so easy!

I find it a little baffling how Eisuke never learns to tell her when there's a problem and tries to deal with it himself. It makes sense, in his world nothing is ordinary and people are always trying to kill him so he doesn't want to worry the MC. 

His refusal to let her know anything makes her constantly worried and when she eventually finds out, she - never fails - gets herself into trouble. It's pretty ironic how he always says she loves getting into trouble and I'm like; "She's always getting into trouble because you never tell her anything!"

So yeah, Eisuke is not always good at communicating. He won't tell her unless she pushes his buttons and gets him to understand how worried she is. So it's a little frustrating how this part of him never changes 😑. The writers try to win you over with his motive behind his secrecy being he only wishes to protect her 😩.

Another aspect of Eisuke is that he doesn't always tell her how he feels. He usually keeps them to himself because he's not used to expressing them. When they first went out, the MC was very insecure about the relationship because Eisuke never said: "I love you" to her. He still had his groupies around him so she wasn't sure about his feelings for her were genuine or if he was only using her to pass time.

In the epilogue, we learn he's never actually told a woman he loves her so it never occurred to him that he had to say it.

Even after learning this, he doesn't say it as often as the MC does but he's feelings for her are the same. The words "I love you" become special to him and he only says them in private. Even then, it's still rare. I personally find this sweet 😊. Some men say "I love you" all the time and don't mean it. When Eisuke tells her it's always genuine and he only says it in front of her.

As his route progresses each season, he becomes more affectionate with his feelings for her and he can be unexpectedly sweet. He's probably one of the most sexual out of all the bidders 😳 and it's only when in their private time does he whisper sweet nothings to her. 

In Season 3, we learn Eisuke can't stand boredom and is always up for something exciting. He got bored of Dubai so he expanded his hotel to London because apparently, it's where all the fun and exciting things happen.

I find it unusual for Eisuke to want unexpected things to happen in his life πŸ˜•. Usually, you'd want your life to be smooth sailing after a situation but Eisuke is the opposite. It's not to say, he's looking for trouble, more like he's looking for non-life threatening challenges in life.

According to the MC, he's a "deeply lonely person who craves attention and stimulation" so it explains why he keeps saying her No. 1 priority is him. He's lost his family at a young age so he doesn't remember the love of family. She gives him all the love he could ask her and he's never bored with her.

She complements him in ways he can't like how she can freely express herself while he can't. He normally maintains a poker face and the usual smug but with the MC he can express other emotions and the guys notice this.

She's everything he isn't and it's pure. Her bright personality complements his hardcore exterior and she understands him well enough to see every part of him. That's why she's always putting so much effort to make him happy and Eisuke returns all her love by doing things he would never do for anyone. One example is wearing her hideous knitted jumper she gave him for his birthday πŸ˜‚.

I wouldn't necessarily say that Eisuke is an abusive person. He's what you call a jerk who doesn't like to show his real emotions if not in front of the MC.

In his POV from Season 3, it explains why Eisuke has a warped sense of marriage and family πŸ‘ͺ and it came from his upbringing. His tragic family history definitely played a part in developing this particular view of thinking. He knows family are "people who are connected forever by blood" but he doesn't know how else does it connect them with each other πŸ˜”.

In his own interpretation, he doesn't think Akira is his father because they are not related by blood. Akira is his biological father's benefactor who adopted him and loves him as his own but Eisuke kept him at a distant for many years because of his own misconception. Another reason for this happened in his childhood 😒. 

Because of this, Eisuke plagued himself for years thinking had he not got the talent to run a business, Akira would have never adopted him. He never confronted Akira to find out if this is true so he built a wall between him. With the MC's help, he was able to confront Akira to learn the truth that Akira adopted him because he truly loves him as his son.

This was never addressed in 'Proposal' but the main reason Eisuke 'proposed' to the MC first time is because he wanted to provide security for her. Since 'Twist of Fate', someone has been targeting him and because he could be killed at any moment, he preparing for the worst-case scenario and wanted to leave his assets to her so she would lead a comfortable life.

He initially arranged to have $80 million transferred to her account when Kenzaki pointed out it would bring unwanted attention to her. Also, the Ichinomiya Group would not think lightly about him giving his assets to a woman with no relations to the Group. So he thought the best way for him to secure her future without being questioned is for them to be married.

He absolutely meant no harm in 'proposing' because he genuinely did think about marrying her one day. His reason proved how much he loves her enough to want to secure her future in case something happened to him. It was his warped interpretation of family that made her hesitate on signing the Marriage Licence. And because he went the wrong way about it. 😩

In 'Scattered Cards', the MC figures she doesn't always want to just blindly follow what Eisuke tells her. Before, she puts her faith in him and believes he's capable of handling any situation without her help. She soon realises she doesn't want to let him keep babying her πŸ‘Ά and protect her all the time. She wants to protect him as well and be useful to him and worthy to stand by his side. You go, gurl! πŸ‘Š 

She makes him understand that she wants to be his equal and not always protected behind glass. It's one of the rarest moments where the MC actually comes up with a tactical plan and saves him, so it's a big accomplishment for her. πŸ‘  

Her constant effort to have him to understand her really has an impact on him because he starts to lose his resistance to her 😁. 

I'm not going to mention about Season 4's 'Engagement Cruise' because it was just horrible for his character's arc. So I've completely disregarded it 😀. The plotting was either random or rather just unnecessary. 

You can read about it here but I wouldn't recommend you buy it πŸ™…. 

In 'Hidden Secrets', Eisuke finally gets the answer he's been searching for his whole life. He finds out what happened to his father and where's he been this whole time. However, the situation becomes more complicated when he finds out his father was framed by a crooked politician and cop. 

To protect the MC from getting too involved with a crime, he chose not to tell her everything that's going on ~ like always. It makes her feel uneasy when she thinks he still doesn't want to rely on her or trust her with these things 😩. She eventually finds out about his father through the news and it upsets her when she thinks he 'lied' to her about his father. 

Since the situation is different from every other situation they've faced, he actually had a reason not to let her get too involved in it. But his mistake is not telling her what's going on because it led to consequences she had to bear. 

Ya think? 😑

From this incident, Eisuke finally learns his lesson not to keep things from the MC because she was put into a life-and-death situation. ~ It's upsetting up it took him five seasons to realise it but he's finally there πŸ˜©. 

It scarred him to almost lose the MC, so now, he makes a promise to never keep any secrets from the MC anymore. Hopefully, he follows through. 

However,  in 'Forbidden Choices', he kept another secret from her again despite his promise not to anymore. ~ Mind you, he feels guilty about it too 😟 ~ To fool his enemies, he had to pretend to act coldly towards her and he makes up for it by being sweet later in his suite (whether it was him or the imposter being cold to you).

It's important to note, Eisuke does feel guilty about keeping this secret from her. Feeling guilty is rarely seen in any of his stories (or probably since his main story) and for the first time, he worries about what she thinks of him breaking his promise to her.

The MC is about the only person important to Eisuke, the only person he would entrust her life to is Soryu. Before he left to go on his 'business trip', he asked Soryu to secretly protect her from his doppelganger (in case he got violent from her or she figured out the truth) and even gave him the key and access code to his suite.

Another time he entrusted Soryu to protect her was in 'Living Together' after they found a listening device in her pen. He asked Soryu to take her back to the Ice Dragon's place until he got off work to take her home.

Since 'Hidden Choices', Eisuke seems to have developed some sort of trauma after the incident that almost got the MC killed. He's constantly reminded of that night on the helipad when he found her lying there and it haunts him.

The helipad scene and the hospital scene (in his POV) were some of the rarest moments where he truly felt useless because he couldn't do anything to save her. In 'Forbidden Choices', he was willing to commit a crime when he saw her bandaged ankle, believing the doppelganger hurt her.

Because of his trauma, he always feeling or touching her (by that I mean sex 😳) to make sure she's really alive. I think it really affected him after this incident so he's more precious with her now.

Season 6 of his route has yet to be released and I'm sure there's more to his character development so I'll probably update this post or make another post. I'm really interested in where his story arc is heading and I really can't wait for Eisuke and the MC to get married soon. This had been dragged out for way too long and I think it's about time they bring his story to a close soon.

I really recommend Eisuke's route if you don't mind the ore-sama type. His character may be off-putting at first but he does get better. Even if it's little by little. Each season plot gets better and it gets pretty intense. The only story I don't recommend is Season 4 'Engagement Cruise' and trust me you won't enjoy it. Honestly, you wouldn't be missing much if you don't buy it.

Happy playing!

Kissed by the Baddest Bidder: Soryu Oh S2 Living Together

Story Basis: The Tres Spade Hotel has expanded to Dubai, you're initially there for a training seminar when you learn you...